A newsletter can be a great way of generating sales for your business. You are reaching out directly to an engaged audience who have either specifically asked to receive your newsletter or who have previously bought a product or service from your business. Read on for ways to make the most of your newsletter and your mailing list.
1. Be Regular
Don’t just get in touch when you have things to sell, or something specific to promote, or when you ‘get a moment’. Like any kind of marketing, in order to be effective, you need to keep reminding people you’re there so that, when they’re ready to buy, your business is the first that pops into their mind.
2. Give, give, give, sell
Don’t you just hate it when a business is constantly asking you to buy something from them? Don’t be that guy; make your newsletter about more than selling your product or service. Create something that people want to open and enjoy reading and the sales will come! One school of thought on this is to give three things for free for every one time you sell.
3. Be relevant
Why has someone signed up to your newsletter? Do they want to know about new products, do they want to watch your business grow, or do they want to learn something new? Find out what your audience wants from your newsletter and make sure you give it to them.
4. Research
Don’t be afraid to ask your audience what they want. Are they getting what they expected from your newsletter? Do they want something different? Do they have any ideas or suggestions? What is it that they love about your newsletter? These is all information that will help you develop and improve. Send a simple Google Survey to your subscribers to find out more.
5. Offer something exclusive
If people can get all the information they want directly from your newsletter or from your social media platforms, why should they sign up for your newsletter? To draw people in, give them something in their inboxes that they won’t find anywhere else!
6. Automate
A great incentive to get someone to sign up to your newsletter is to offer a free mini email course. You can create these beforehand and set up automation on sites like Mailchimp or Aweber so that anyone signing up will automatically get the emails, in sequence, so you’re not worrying about sending everything out to the right person at the right time. Similarly, you can send a welcome email as soon as someone signs up to let them know exactly what they can expect to receive from you.
7. Include contact details
One of the biggest mistakes I see when people are marketing is that they don’t include contact details. Your website details, your email address, social media sites, or your telephone number… you MUST include this information or how will people be able to buy from you? Most email marketing platforms like Mailchimp and Aweber allow you to create templates and input standard information that will automatically be entered into new emails. So if you haven’t already, go and do that now.
Do you have an email newsletter? Is it working for you? Let me know in the comments below about your biggest email newsletter achievements and difficulties.
If you would like to find out more about how The Singing VA can help with your newsletter or other business marketing and admin, please get in touch.
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